El número de animales

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Si se ha producido un problema, tienes dudas acerca del funcionamiento de Worldpetnet o la identificación y el registro de animales, elige la categoría pertinente y encuentra la respuesta a tu pregunta.
Si no consigues encontrar la información necesaria, contacta con nosotros utilizando el formulario de contacto para hacernos saber tu problema.

Registering a WORLDPETNET account is free regardless of account type. A fee is only required when adding marked animals to your User Account.

The aim of WORLDPETNET is to unify all databases around the world, which means that every database containing data on electronically-marked animals can be added.

Microchips can be used with in animal species. However, it is important to choose the right place for the chip.

Chipping is the procedure of implanting an animal with a microchip.

A microchip is a transponder (integrated circuit) with a unique number permanently encoded on it. Several microchip standards are used for companion and farm animals, such as FDX-A, FDX-B, HDX and ID64. The number can be checked using a special...

A microchip does not have a tracking functionality and is not a GPS device. It is a passive device without a power source and does not emit a signal.

A microchip does not function as a GPS device and cannot be used to locate an animal as it does not emit a signal.

Tattooing used to be a popular form of animal marking. However, it has been steadily replaced by chipping. A tattoo is less durable (the code rubs off), it is difficult to identify the owner as the codes are not unique, and databases rarely keep a...
Microchip readers are used by public services, authorities dealing with animals, veterinary clinics and professionals, shelters and pro-animal foundations. Mandatory chipping and the popularisation of chips has resulted in many breeders also...

Chipping is similar to an injection. If done properly, it is not painful for the animal and does not require anaesthesia.

A microchip is a passive device, which is why it should not malfunction or stop working.

If you are certain that an animal has already been implanted with a microchip but are unable to find it, try using a different reader and checking other areas of the animal's body to see if the transponder has not moved. If you still cannot find the...

You can register all animal species in WORLDPETNET. It all depends on what species can be registered in your country's database.

To create a user account on the WORLDPETNET website, simply choose the right account type and fill out the personal data form.

In order to log into your WORLDPETNET user account, you must enter your login (email address) and password. If you forgot your password, use the recovery option.

Creating a WORLDPETNET user account does not cost anything!

A fee is only required when adding animals to your User Account.

Owners can register their animals via a national database or using their WPN User Account. If you would like your animal to be entered directly into the WORLDPETNET registry, you need to create an account.

To register your animal at WPN, you need an active User Account.

You cannot register marked animals on WPN on your own. If you want your pet to be added to WORLDPETNET, add it to a local database that is partnered with our global registry.

Whether it is mandatory to register marked animals depends on your country's laws. However, a responsible owner should register their pet regardless of whether it is mandatory or not. Registering microchips helps combat animal homelessness.

If you want to find out whether the local database your pet is registered in is a WPN partner, use the global animal database search engine or ask your database directly.....
WORLDPETNET enables users to make two types of accounts:A. Accounts dedicated to veterinarians, animal shelters, legal breeders, sires and companion animal owners – WORLDPETNET USER ACCOUNTB) Accounts for local databases of marked animals – BASE...

We have created several account types to make using the WPN platform easier. Particular account types offer functionalities useful for various user types.

To add a national database to WPN, you need to create a BASE ACCOUNT.

To enter your clinic's data into the WPN database, create a WORLDPETNET user account and choose the appropriate category.

To enter your shelter's data into the WPN database, create a WORLDPETNET user account and use the appropriate category.

A BASE account enables you to add a local marked animal database to the WPN system. An active BASE account offers many functionalities which help synchronise data between databases smoothly and automatically.A BASE account does not offer the...
The following functionalities are available to you as a WORLDPETNET user:• adding animal missing posts• registering microchipped animals. • adding veterinary clinic entries• adding animal breeder entries• adding sire entries• adding...

In order to register a breeding kennel or sire, you must first create a WORLDPETNET user account and then use the appropriate option.

Accounts for these particular user types can only be created by owners or their official, authorised representatives. All data provided is verified by the WORLDPETNET administrator.

You can create any type of account and use most of the functionalities offered by the WORLDPETNET platform for free. A fee is required only to register microchipped animals.

A WORLDPETNET user account gives access to the following functionalities: making missing animal posts, registering veterinary clinics, registering a microchipped animal, adding and promoting your legal breeding kennel, adding sire entries, posting...

The fastest way to add a missing animal post is to use the red button on the taskbar – ALERT PET IS LOST

Making a missing animal post on WPN will make it visible to everyone around the world, as well as raise awareness in your local environment, increasing your chance to find your pet.

Posting ads about missing animals registered in the WORLDPETNET database is free of charge.

Posts made in the ALERT PET IS LOST section are active for 180 days.

In order to delete a post, log into your WORLDPETNET user account and delete your message using the post management functionality.

A microchip is not a tracking device and does not have a GPS functionality, which means that it cannot be remotely tracked.

If you find an animal which has most likely been lost by its owner, follow these steps:Use a microchip reader (used by veterinarians and animal shelters) to check if the animal has been implanted with a chip. If it has, check its number.Enter the...
In order to report a missing animal, you must create a WORLDPETNET user account. Only active accounts can report missing animals. You can create an account by using this link.....
A missing animal post is visible to everyone who visits the ALERT PET IS LOST subpage.Posts are also published on the WORLDPETNET Facebook profile.. Users can also share their posts on their social media profiles by linking to them on Facebook, for...
WORLDPETNET helps by enabling the identification of animals via partnered databases.We send information about lost animals to the shelters closest to where the animal has gone missing.. We publish report details in the ALERT PET IS LOST section and...
If you are certain that your pet has been stolen, report the theft to the authorities. Check online marketplaces for attempts to sell your animal. Inform your local veterinarians and animal shelters about the fact and post about it on social media....
If your dog has gone missing, make sure that it is registered in your country's animal database and post about it on WPN.Leave a post on the WORLDPETNET - ALERT PET IS LOST page, including a photo of your pet to make the search easier.Inform your...
In addition to being careful when taking your dog out for a walk and securing the area around your house, it is necessary to have your animal implanted with a microchip possessing a unique numeric code and registered in a local database.The next...

Every visitor who wants to identify a marked animal using a microchip can use the search function. You do not need to enter your personal data or have a WORLDPETNET user account to use this functionality.

When you enter a microchip number into the WORLDPETNET search bar, you will receive information on the WPN-partnered local database the animal is registered in (name, location, email address, phone number, website address).If you added the animal...

The MICROCHIP SEARCH functionality does not require you to be logged in to use it.

When you enter a microchip number into the search bar, you will receive information about the local database the animal is registered in (name, location, email address, phone number, website address).

In order to find information about the owner of a found animal, it is necessary to:Enter the animal's microchip number into the WORLDPETNET microchip search bar.Find the national database where the animal is registered, or if it was not registered...

Use the microchip search function to find the national database where the animal is registered or to instantly identify the animal and its owner in WORLDPETNET.

It cannot be used to locate your pet.

In order to receive information about an animal, you must enter its microchip number.

Data transfers are protected using the HTTPS protocol and data are stored on a secure server. We use our best efforts to ensure that the data we are entrusted with are adequately protected from disclosure, destruction, loss, third party access and...
The personal data of users are protected by the system administrator and professional servers equipped with adequate protection measures. We have implemented a range of solutions to ensure the security of the personal data stored by us: the data are...

Fees apply only when adding animals to your User Account.

A detailed WORLDPETNET privacy policy can be found here - privacy policy

The WORLDPETNET terms of service can be found on the following subpage – WPN TERMS OF SERVICE....

Yes, every account user or poster can delete the data they have entered. Account deletion results in all your posts being deleted as well.

No personal data are given to third parties. Your data can only be accessed by legally authorised institutions. We use our best efforts to ensure that the data we are entrusted with are adequately protected from disclosure, destruction, loss, third...

You can contact the WORLDPETNET administrator via:

EMAIL: help@worldpetnet.com

SKYPE: live:.cid.8b40438bae9a47fc

WHATSAPP: +48 507 356 000

Tel: + 48 507 356 000

If you did not find an answer to your question in the FAQ, you can contact the WORLDPETNET administrator. The necessary contact information can be found in the CONTACT section.

A breeder is a member of a legal organisation which rears and breeds purebred animals in accordance with the rules of that organisation.

Electronic marking can be used for nearly all animal species – mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. It is important to choose the correct chip size for the animal.

A purebred dog or cat has a documented pedigree.

Por qué merece la pena registrar el animal en WORLDPETNET
Encuentra a tu mascota con WORLDPETNET
Ventajas del registro de animales en WORLDPETNET

¿Por qué merece la pena
registrar a mi mascota?

La identificación electrónico de animales mediante microchip es el método más duradero, eficaz y seguro para permitir la identificación rápida y fiable de tu mascota. Solamente con el número único del transpondedor (chip) se puede identificar el animal al instante y encontrar a su dueño, haciendo que la mascota pueda regresar a su hogar. No obstante, hay que tener en cuenta que el microchip no es más que un transpondedor con un número codificado. El microchip no cuenta con una función de localización ni tampoco incluye información acerca del dueño ni del propio animal. Así pues, para poder identificar al perro o al gato con identificación mediante chip, el microchip tiene que estar registrado en una base de datos nacional de animales identi...

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Garantiza la seguridad de tu mascota

Novedades de WORLDPETNET

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Why do pets go missing?
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A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...
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A dog is not a toy! Do not...

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Dogs in the winter

While us humans rejoice when winter finally arrives, happy that we can enjoy its many attractions, our four-legged friends may often find it to... leer más >>

Cats and winter
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Cats and winter

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