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List of articles – WORLDPETNET

Published: Oct 17, 2024

Separation Anxiety - How to Help Your Dog?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Separation Anxiety - How to Help Your Dog?

Separation Anxiety - How to Help Your Dog? Does your dog scratch at the door when you leave him alone at home? Maybe he howls and barks when he sees you leaving without him, or chews on your shoes in your absence? As a social and pack animal, a dog definitely feels more comfortable in the company of people he is attached to. For this reason, he never feels fully comfortable when he has to stay alone for a few hours. However, there is a difference between natural discomfort and a mental issue that makes it difficult for the dog...

Published: Oct 15, 2024

How to Handle an Aggressive Dog?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - How to Handle an Aggressive Dog?

How to Handle an Aggressive Dog? Aggressive dog behavior is often a huge challenge for owners of unruly pets. Dealing with a dog with an uncontrollable temperament, who shows aggression towards people and animals, requires a great deal of commitment from both sides in building a healthy relationship and controlling dangerous behaviors, which must be eliminated for the sake of the dog and society. Does dog aggression have anything to do with breed? What to do with an aggressive dog and where to seek help? Aggressive Dogs - Breeds Prone to Aggressive Behavior. Is an aggressive dog born that way?...

Published: Oct 8, 2024

Vaccination Calendar for Your Dog

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Vaccination Calendar for Your Dog

Vaccination Schedule for Your Canine Friend. From the very first days of your dog's life, there is a long list of diseases that can threaten them. Protecting your pet from dangers, including contracting often very troublesome, debilitating, and even deadly diseases, is one of your primary responsibilities. Which vaccinations for your dog and when are mandatory, and which are optional? Before Vaccination - What to Prepare? The first visit to the vet is not yet the time to vaccinate your puppy. When scheduling your first appointment, remember that it may take longer than usual. Your dog will need a thorough...

Published: Oct 7, 2024

Dog Run – Urban or Home?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Dog Run – Urban or Home?

Dog Run - Urban or Home? Daily walks with your dog don't have to be a boring, routine task! By making them more exciting, such as by taking your pet to a dog run, it can turn into an interesting experience for both the animal and its owner.. A dog run can refer to a properly prepared backyard area for canine fun, as well as a designated, fenced area in an urban environment intended for our four-legged friends. What are the differences between them? How does the dog feel in such a place, and is it completely safe? Familiarity with...

Published: Oct 4, 2024

Dog Collar - How to Choose and Fit the Right Model?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Dog Collar - How to Choose and Fit the Right Model?

Dog Collar - How to Choose and Fit the Right Model? The day comes when you make the conscious decision to welcome a four-legged companion into your home. Your puppy is meant to be your friend, bringing joy into your life, and accompanying you during daily walks and outdoor activities. You will surely take him with you on short trips, visits to friends, and perhaps even on holidays and vacations. This means that a collar, which is essential for both the owner and the dog's safety, must not be missing from your dog’s gear. Which one to choose? Which will...

Why you should register your pet in WORLDPETNET
Find your pet with WORLDPETNET
Benefits of registering your pet in WORLDPETNET


Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...

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Ensure the safety of your pet

Animal Chip Database: Key Information

In today's world, responsibility for animal care has become not only a priority for their owners but also a societal issue. One of the most important tools in ensuring animal safety is the chip database. It allows for the quick and efficient recovery of lost pets, which is crucial for protecting their health and well-being.

The introduction of microchipping has significantly improved the effectiveness of efforts to locate lost animals, reducing stress for both owners and their four-legged friends. Registration in the chip database is increasingly required by local regulations, further highlighting the importance of this technology in ensuring comprehensive care for animals.


Published: Oct 29, 2020


Cat / Dog missing – Looking for purebred animals. Every day many pet owners have to deal with their animals going missing. There are... read more >>

Dog on the beach
Published: Jul 1, 2020

Dog on the beach

What do the regulations say? As pet owners, we have the right to move freely with our pets. In many countries, there are no... read more >>

Why do pets go missing?
Published: Apr 24, 2020

Why do pets go missing?

Sometimes, even though we have done everything we could and are very cautious, we fail to protect our pets from going missing or running... read more >>

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to us?
Published: Mar 27, 2020

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to...

All kinds of information have been making rounds about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the media has been bombarding us with increasingly worrying news about... read more >>

A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...
Published: Feb 4, 2020

A dog is not a toy! Do not...

Read this letter to Santa and think twice before you give someone a living animal! Dear Santa. . My name is Gift and I... read more >>

Dogs in the winter
Published: Oct 27, 2019

Dogs in the winter

While us humans rejoice when winter finally arrives, happy that we can enjoy its many attractions, our four-legged friends may often find it to... read more >>

Cats and winter
Published: Oct 25, 2019

Cats and winter

Winter continues its relentless attack - snow and cold its weapons of choice. This time of the year is a difficult period for stray... read more >>


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