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Published: Oct 29, 2020



Cat / Dog missing – Looking for purebred animals

Every day many pet owners have to deal with their animals going missing. There are several possible reasons for this – your pet could have run away in panic or in search of adventure. It could have strayed too far away while on a walk, chasing a wild animal in the forest, for example, and was unable to find its way back. Or, it could have been stolen. No matter what the reason is, the most important thing is to keep your cool and not let your emotions take the wheel, and to immediately start searching.

Cat / Dog missing – Looking for purebred animals

Dog/cat has gone missing – what should I do?

If your pet has gone missing, has run away or has been stolen, you should quickly take steps in order to help you find it!


● Inform your local veterinary clinics, shelters and other animal care organisations and institutions about your problem.

● Put up lost pet posters in your area, offering a reward for finding your animal – this will draw more attention to your problem. In addition, you can post your ad online, including on websites dedicated to finding missing animals.

● Report your pet going missing using the WORLDPETNET ALERT PET IS LOST system by clicking on the button below. In order to do so, you need to create a user account or be logged in if you already have one. Fill out the MISSING ANIMAL REPORT FORM to make it visible to everyone across the globe. Copy the link to the ALERT PET IS LOST report and post it on your social media profiles. This will help the search process even more.

NOTE: Remember to add photos of your pet to both make identifying it easier and to speed up the search process.

WORLDPETNET – effectively look for purebred animals and more

We know that a pet going missing is always a heavy blow and a reason to be worried. However, we believe you should act quickly, which is why we encourage you to add information about your missing dog or cat to the WORLDPETNET platform, whose purpose is to help pet owners with finding their animals, thus reducing the number of homeless animals out there. Please contact us if you have any questions about how to register a missing pet, and we will be happy to clarify any doubts!

WORLDPETNET – effectively look for purebred animals and more
Why you should register your pet in WORLDPETNET
Find your pet with WORLDPETNET
Benefits of registering your pet in WORLDPETNET


Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...

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Ensure the safety of your pet

Animal Chip Database: Key Information

In today's world, responsibility for animal care has become not only a priority for their owners but also a societal issue. One of the most important tools in ensuring animal safety is the chip database. It allows for the quick and efficient recovery of lost pets, which is crucial for protecting their health and well-being.

The introduction of microchipping has significantly improved the effectiveness of efforts to locate lost animals, reducing stress for both owners and their four-legged friends. Registration in the chip database is increasingly required by local regulations, further highlighting the importance of this technology in ensuring comprehensive care for animals.