In order to be able to trace a marked pet back to its owner, it is necessary for the microchip to be registered in a database. A transponder only contains a series of digits, which is of no use if the animal is not registered online.
Only accurate owner data entered into a marked pet database can ensure that a pet can be identified and returned home if found.
By not registering your pet, you deprive it of its identity and increase its risk of homelessness!
You no longer need to search for a database, be it global or European, to ensure the safety of your pet! If accurate and quick identification is what you are after, register your pet in a local or national database integrated with WORLDPETNET. Make sure that the database you are entrusting with the safety of your animal is part of the WPN network, and if not – recommend that its administration join us by listing the wide range of benefits of being a WPN partner.
Remember – if all databases are connected, you will no longer need to check local registries of marked animals to find information on particular pets or their owners. All data will be available via the WPN platform and its intuitive tools. This simplifies the identification process, shortening the time it takes to find a lost pet, and thus helping us achieve our primary goal – EFFECTIVENESS! Therefore, when choosing a database to register your pet in, make sure it is partnered with the WORLDPETNET global marked animal registry!
Integration of local marked animal databases with WORLDPETNET guarantees quick and accurate identification of your pet from any place in the world.
In addition to databases which have already joined the WPN platform, you can also find information on the location and contact data of many local and national databases which have not yet become WORLDPETNET partners. These are listed as DATABASES NOT INTEGRATED WITH WPN. If you would like to see a full list of databases or find a particular national registry, use the button below.