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animals is growing every day


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look up an animal in the WORLDPETNET registry


If you would like to add your breeding centre to the WORLDPETNET – BREEDING CENTRES global registry, you can register it in WPN today! In order to do so, you need to create a user account or be logged in if you already have one. The next step is to fill in the breeding centre registration form.

The idea behind WORLDPETNET is to promote legal breeding centres and raise awareness regarding only breeding animals with a documented pedigree and breeding rights.

The WORLDPETNET – BREEDING CENTRES catalogue of legal breeding centres is a perfect solution for breeders looking to advertise their achievements and animals, as well as those who are looking for a new four-legged friend. The registry helps you find your dream dog, cat or other pet raised by a reputable breeder without having to search through local or national lists. The breeding centre registry enables you to search by species and breed, as well as lets you quickly and easily compare and select the animals you want. Every animal breeder can enjoy free, professional advertising to reach people around the globe! Simply enter all information about your breeding centre and add current photos to advertise your animals.

Fill in the form today and register in the WORLDPETNET – BREEDING CENTRES catalogue!

Why you should register your pet in WORLDPETNET
Find your pet with WORLDPETNET
Benefits of registering your pet in WORLDPETNET


Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...

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Ensure the safety of your pet

Animal Chip Database: Key Information

In today's world, responsibility for animal care has become not only a priority for their owners but also a societal issue. One of the most important tools in ensuring animal safety is the chip database. It allows for the quick and efficient recovery of lost pets, which is crucial for protecting their health and well-being.

The introduction of microchipping has significantly improved the effectiveness of efforts to locate lost animals, reducing stress for both owners and their four-legged friends. Registration in the chip database is increasingly required by local regulations, further highlighting the importance of this technology in ensuring comprehensive care for animals.



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