The number of registered
animals is growing every day
jack russell terrier
Bicolor - biało-brązowy
Głowa psa jest brązowa z białym umaszczeniem koło nosa i pomiędzy oczami. Z obu stron ciała pies ma brązowe łaty tj. z lewej strony na barku i z prawej strony na żebrach. Zad i początek ogona brązowy, końcówka ogona biała.
Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...
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