The number of registered
animals is growing every day
If your dog has gone missing, make sure that it is registered in your country's animal database and post about it on WPN.
Leave a post on the WORLDPETNET - ALERT PET IS LOST page, including a photo of your pet to make the search easier.
Inform your nearest animal shelters and animal clinics.
Check your social media and post about your dog going missing on discussion forums.
Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...
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