Le nombre d’animaux
enregistrés augmente en permanence
You can register all animal species in WORLDPETNET. It all depends on what species can be registered in your country's database.
To create a user account on the WORLDPETNET website, simply choose the right account type and fill out the personal data form.
In order to log into your WORLDPETNET user account, you must enter your login (email address) and password. If you forgot your password, use the recovery option.
Creating a WORLDPETNET user account does not cost anything!
A fee is only required when adding animals to your User Account.
Owners can register their animals via a national database or using their WPN User Account. If you would like your animal to be entered directly into the WORLDPETNET registry, you need to create an account.
To register your animal at WPN, you need an active User Account.
You cannot register marked animals on WPN on your own. If you want your pet to be added to WORLDPETNET, add it to a local database that is partnered with our global registry.
Whether it is mandatory to register marked animals depends on your country's laws. However, a responsible owner should register their pet regardless of whether it is mandatory or not. Registering microchips helps combat animal homelessness.
Le marquage des animaux par puce électronique est la méthode la plus durable, efficace et absolument sûre permettant l'identification rapide et fiable des animaux. Grâce au numéro unique du transpondeur (puce), il est possible d’identifier immédiatement et de retrouver le propriétaire, et en effet, d’aider l’animal à revenir chez lui. Pourtant, il faut prendre en compte, qu’une micropuce est uniquement un transpondeur avec un numéro encodé. La micropuce ne peut pas localiser ni fournir des informations sur le propriétaire et son animal ! Pour identifier un chat ou un chien, il faut enregistrer les micropuces dans une base nationale d'animaux marqués...
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