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Publié 4 févr. 2020

A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...

A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...

Read this letter to Santa and think twice before you give someone a living animal!

Dear Santa

My name is Gift and I am a little puppy who is looking for a warm home and responsible owners. I will probably make a little mess at first, maybe I will leave bite marks on things– after all, there is nothing more interesting than chewing on your owner's slippers. As I am alive and still growing, I need good food to stay healthy and pretty, and when I fall ill, you will need to take me to the vet. My little legs need regular, long walks, which you will need to have time and patience for.

My beautiful and well-kept fur doesn't come naturally either – it needs to be looked after and brushed often, and I might also need a bath from time to time. I should also tell you that my fur is not for being pulled by little children, and the same goes for my little ears and tail.

Just like every other creature, if I want to be a wise and brave dog, I need to be cuddled, stroked and showed affection. I will compete for your attention, and I will not stand for being locked up alone for hours on end. A metal pen will not do either – I do not want to have to watch the world around me like my owners watch television. And after Christmas, I also do not want to end up on the rubbish pile next to a wilted Christmas tree and wrapping paper or in an animal shelter...

As you can see, Santa, I think I am a pretty troublesome and irritating little Gift, so please – DO NOT GIVE ME AS A PRESENT THIS CHRISTMAS! I will patiently wait for my new owners, who have thought it through and made the decision on their own. My cousin will make a much better gift – he never leaves a mess, does not need to eat or be taken out, likes to stay alone at home and does not require love – and, when your children grow bored of him, he will be content to sit in the toy box. He would also love to be become a gift and just can't wait for Christmas. Enclosed is his photograph.

Pies to nie zabawka! Nie dawaj go w prezencie... - WORLDPETNET

Merry Christmas, Santa!

Pourquoi il est utile d’enregistrer l’animal à WORLDPETNET
Retrouver votre animal de compagnie avec WORLDPETNET
Avantages de l’enregistrement de l’animal dans WORLDPETNET

Pourquoi ça vaut la peine
d’enregistrer un animal ?

Le marquage des animaux par puce électronique est la méthode la plus durable, efficace et absolument sûre permettant l'identification rapide et fiable des animaux. Grâce au numéro unique du transpondeur (puce), il est possible d’identifier immédiatement et de retrouver le propriétaire, et en effet, d’aider l’animal à revenir chez lui. Pourtant, il faut prendre en compte, qu’une micropuce est uniquement un transpondeur avec un numéro encodé. La micropuce ne peut pas localiser ni fournir des informations sur le propriétaire et son animal ! Pour identifier un chat ou un chien, il faut enregistrer les micropuces dans une base nationale d'animaux marqués...

Lire plus

Assurez la sécurité de votre animal de compagnie


Publié 29 oct. 2020


Chat/ Chien Perdu – Recherche des animaux de race. Chaque jour, de nombreux propriétaires d'animaux de compagnie doivent faire face à la perte de... Lisez plus >>

Why do pets go missing?
Publié 24 avr. 2020

Why do pets go missing?

Sometimes, even though we have done everything we could and are very cautious, we fail to protect our pets from going missing or running... Lisez plus >>

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to us?
Publié 27 mars 2020

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to...

All kinds of information have been making rounds about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the media has been bombarding us with increasingly worrying news about... Lisez plus >>

A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...
Publié 4 févr. 2020

A dog is not a toy! Do not...

Read this letter to Santa and think twice before you give someone a living animal! Dear Santa. . My name is Gift and I... Lisez plus >>

Dogs in the winter
Publié 27 oct. 2019

Dogs in the winter

While us humans rejoice when winter finally arrives, happy that we can enjoy its many attractions, our four-legged friends may often find it to... Lisez plus >>

Cats and winter
Publié 25 oct. 2019

Cats and winter

Winter continues its relentless attack - snow and cold its weapons of choice. This time of the year is a difficult period for stray... Lisez plus >>