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List of articles – WORLDPETNET

Published: Apr 21, 2023

Discover the most important microchip databases in the world.

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Discover the most important microchip databases in the world.

Microchip databases are used to register domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, and to identify their guardians in case of loss or discovery. There are many microchip databases worldwide, and some of them include:1. WorldPetNet (WPN) is an international online platform that connects various pet microchip databases from around the world. This allows owners and veterinary services to access information about registered animals for identification and quick recovery in case of loss. WPN collaborates with various national and regional microchip databases to facilitate international cooperation in animal identification. Link to WorldPetNet: HomeAgain - an American microchip database offering...

Published: Dec 9, 2022

Hotel dla psa - jak go wybrać?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Hotel dla psa - jak go wybrać?

Hotel dla psa - jak wybrać miejsce przyjazne Twojemu pupilowi? Rozstanie z psem - nawet na kilka dni - powoduje wiele stresu, zarówno u właściciela, jak i dla samego psa. Nie zawsze możliwe jest również pozostawienie psa pod opieką rodziny czy znajomych. W takiej sytuacji częstym rozwiązaniem jest hotel dla psów. Jak jednak przygotować czworonoga do rozłąki i pobytu w nieznanym miejscu, w dodatku wśród obcych? Jak wybrać właściwy hotel, by mieć pewność, że pies będzie czuł się w nim komfortowo i zostanie mu zapewniona opieka na odpowiednim poziomie?Dobry hotel dla psa - o jakie kwestie należy zapytać? Jak wybrać...

Published: Dec 9, 2022

dog tax

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - dog tax

Podatek od psa, czyli obowiązek, o którym musi pamiętać każdy właściciel. Nie każdy właściciel czworonoga zdaje sobie sprawę z istnienia procedury, która zobowiązuje go do rejestracji pupila oraz uiszczenia opłaty za jego posiadanie - to tak zwany podatek za psa. Z pewnością w tym momencie zastanawiasz się nad tym, dlaczego płaci się podatek za psa oraz ile taki podatek od zwierząt może wynosić. Z naszego artykułu dowiesz się również, kto jest zwolniony z podatku za psa oraz co grozi za nieuregulowanie wspomnianej płatności.Czy podatek od psa jest obowiązkowy? Czy podatek od pupila jest obowiązkowy? Jak się okazuje, kwestia jego wprowadzenia...

Published: Aug 31, 2021

Vacationing with a dog

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - Vacationing with a dog

The sand, sea and the beautiful weather, or hiking along difficult trails and visiting historic locations? It doesn’t matter where you’re planning on going, your pet can come along too! Before taking your dog on holiday, there are some preparations to be made – discover what!So, travelling with a dog? If you are going by car, you probably want to know which regulations currently apply. Polish traffic law lacks any specific provisions that deal with companion animals, but this does not mean that travelling with a dog is completely unregulated. The provisions of the Act of 20 June 1997 on...

Published: Jul 15, 2021

How do you identify heat stroke in a dog?

Article graphic – WORLDPETNET - How do you identify heat stroke in a dog?

High temperatures cause a great deal of discomfort for pets. Your dog may feel sleepy and less eager to play in sweltering heat. Many dog owners consider this to be completely normal and not a cause for concern. But it is important to remember that dogs can in fact experience heat stroke, which is potentially dangerous! Learn the symptoms of heat stroke in dogs and how to prevent it!What is heat stroke in a dog? Dogs are a lot worse at coping with high temperatures than humans, and heat stroke can progress very rapidly in a dog! This is because,...

Why you should register your pet in WORLDPETNET
Find your pet with WORLDPETNET
Benefits of registering your pet in WORLDPETNET


Marking animals with a microchip is the most durable, effective and completely safe method of quick and reliable identification. Every transponder (chip) has a unique number which enables instant identification of the animal and its owner, helping them reunite faster. However, it is important to remember that a chip is just a transponder with an encoded number. It is not a tracking device and contains no data about the animal or the owner! Therefore, in order to identify a chipped dog or cat, it is necessary that a microchip be registered in a national marked animal database...

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Ensure the safety of your pet


Published: Oct 29, 2020


Cat / Dog missing – Looking for purebred animals. Every day many pet owners have to deal with their animals going missing. There are... read more >>

Why do pets go missing?
Published: Apr 24, 2020

Why do pets go missing?

Sometimes, even though we have done everything we could and are very cautious, we fail to protect our pets from going missing or running... read more >>

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to us?
Published: Mar 27, 2020

SARS-CoV-2 – Coronavirus – are animals dangerous to...

All kinds of information have been making rounds about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the media has been bombarding us with increasingly worrying news about... read more >>

A dog is not a toy! Do not give it as a present...
Published: Feb 4, 2020

A dog is not a toy! Do not...

Read this letter to Santa and think twice before you give someone a living animal! Dear Santa. . My name is Gift and I... read more >>

Dogs in the winter
Published: Oct 27, 2019

Dogs in the winter

While us humans rejoice when winter finally arrives, happy that we can enjoy its many attractions, our four-legged friends may often find it to... read more >>

Cats and winter
Published: Oct 25, 2019

Cats and winter

Winter continues its relentless attack - snow and cold its weapons of choice. This time of the year is a difficult period for stray... read more >>


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